

Reference machine translation: How to get the vaccine / 参考機械翻訳:ワクチンを受けるには

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How to get the vaccine


1 You will receive a "Vaccination Ticket (Coupon)" and a "Notice of New Corona Vaccination.

Before the vaccination period, you will receive a "Vaccination Coupon" and a "Notice of New Corona Vaccination" from your local government. Since a large amount of vaccine is supplied gradually, the order of vaccination will be determined according to the age of the patient. Please wait until the time when you can be vaccinated comes.

For more information, please visit the Ministry of Health, Labor and Welfare's website, "Notice of Vaccination新型コロナワクチンの接種についてのお知らせ|厚生労働省" which will open in a new window.

https://v-sys.mhlw.go.jp/assets/images/coupon_sample.png?_=1df1eadeb14c7b30072d69da84586e75 *Vaccination coupons are valid only for vaccination. It is strictly prohibited to hand them over or allow anyone other than the person concerned to use them, attempt to do so, or use them for any purpose other than vaccination.


2 Please use this website to find a medical institution or vaccination site.

When it's time to get vaccinated, go to "Find a Vaccination Site" to find a medical institution or vaccination site where you can receive the vaccine. Check the availability of appointments and the types of vaccines offered, and then select the medical institution or vaccination site of your choice.

3 Make an appointment by phone or online.

When you open the details page of each medical institution, you will find the phone number for reservations and the Internet reservation page. After confirming the appointment time and information of the medical institution, please make an appointment by phone or online.

Vaccination (1st time)

4 On the day of your appointment, please go to the vaccination site and vaccination.

When you receive the vaccine, be sure to bring the "Vaccination Coupon" mailed to you by the municipality and your identification documents (My Number Card, driver's license, health insurance card, etc.) and present them at the reception desk. Please do not tear off the vaccination ticket (coupon), but bring it to the venue with you. The vaccine is injected into the muscle of the shoulder, so please wear clothes that show your shoulders, such as a T-shirt. All vaccination costs are covered by public funds (free of charge).

Inoculation (2nd time)

5 Make an appointment for the second vaccination.

Please make an appointment and receive the vaccination in the same way as the first dose. With Pfizer's vaccines, the second dose is usually given 3 weeks after the first dose. If this interval has been exceeded, get the vaccination as soon as possible. For Takeda/Modena vaccines, the second dose is usually given 4 weeks after the first dose. If this interval has been exceeded, get vaccinated as soon as possible. There is no set maximum interval between doses, but the WHO, the US, and some EU countries recommend that the second dose should be given no later than 6 weeks after the first dose, even if the interval is longer than 3 weeks (Pfizer vaccine) or 4 weeks (Takeda/Merdona vaccine).

Find a Vaccination Site > Select a City (Tokyo)

Please select your city, town or village of residence. v-sys.mhlw.go.jp

Then, you will see this page or similar.

接種会場一覧 | 接種会場を探す | コロナワクチンナビ | 厚生労働省

Select a condition and search for a facility by either "facility name, address, or zip code". If you do not enter anything, the entire region (ward, city, town, village) will be covered.


See also
